Sometimes, life imitates art. This spot, life trumps art. To build off what Jake said below; this is the loss of a superstar. This is not just another role player, this is a guy we'll be talking about 'what could have been' for decades from now.
It's all very shocking for a guy like me who lives and breathes the NFL on a daily basis. Even though I'm not a Redskin fan and I've never met Sean Taylor, I do feel saddened and in shock by all this.
I wrote a long blog post reaction to this all here on my NFL blog the Nosebleeds. I'm warning you, it's a tear jerker--especially if you play the song while reading the post--but it says exactly what I want it to.
Many years from now; I think that people will realize that like a Shakespearian tragedy character, Sean Taylor wasn't built for the long run in this world. Even if he was turning his life around, those he ran with early and maybe even later on were his death sentence. This wasn't an armed robbery. This was someone who wanted to get back at Taylor, a true badass that lived the life of someone from the streets. This is who he was--there was not pretending.
Make sure you check out my post on the Nosebleeds. It's in Taylor's memory.
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